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What is

Practical Tactical Battle Academy

Since the Chinese invented gunpowder, the most effective Martial Art in the world is that of the Gunfighter. That is why our mark is the SPADILLE. The Ace of Spades. The highest card in the deck. Mike Tyson didn’t just take a boxing class. He made a commitment to himself and to his discipline in the pursuit of its mastery. SPADILLE adopts the Martial Arts mentorship and proficiency model in the form of a tiered subscription-based membership which disciples the student over the course of their tutelage in the Art of Practical Tactical Shooting and recognizes demonstrated proficiency much like the administration of colored belts in most Martial Arts disciplines, with the purpose of instilling a fierce and compelling sense of personal accountability and moral responsibility in the practice of their Art.


The goal in practical tactical shooting is to teach, prepare, and equip you with foundational principles, tools, and habits that can be adapted and applied, second nature, to any kinetic situation in any environment.

Practical Tactical Shooting is about what’s between your ears. It is a martial art. It is the most effective martial art there is. Thus, the Ace of Spades - The SPADILLE. The highest card in the deck… but there’s always a Joker. It’s the Joker that gets you if you don’t have your shit wired.

A gunfight is a game of chess played in milliseconds. If you react to the stimulus, your response will be emotional. You must instead respond. Appropriate response is instantaneous/iterative objective analysis of the situation conducted concurrently and throughout its decisive resolution. Decisive resolution is succinct, practiced, habitual reaction to your analysis. See that? You react to the findings of your analysis, not to the emotional intensity of the moment. Even so, that reaction, whatever it is, will not be derived from intention, but from habit. Your life hangs in the balance of your habits.

For this reason, the SPADILLE method of Practical Tactical Shooting is not based on giving you afew snappy pointers or techniques in afew hours of training. At SPADILLE we take responsibility for our final product. Our final product is not a great lesson plan, or even great training. What we aim to produce is adroit, situationally aware, competent, smart, fast, accurate Tactical shooters. YOU. What you become under SPADILLE mentorship is our responsibility. You will be shown what you must learn, taught how to learn it, and mentored as you make it into habit – into second nature. If that is what you are after, and you are willing to do the work, be accountable, and accept the great responsibility of it - Welcome to SPADILLE.

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SPADILLE’s corpus of instructors will continue to grow over time as the enterprise spreads geographically. This Cadre will be entirely comprised, without exception, of Special Operations Forces (SOF) Combat Veterans such as Army Rangers, Special Forces, Delta Force, Navy SEALs, Marine Corps Force Recon, Scout Snipers, and Raiders. SPADILLE provides the unique opportunity to America’s greatest and truest Heroes, who have sacrificed most of their lives for the sake of the priceless Liberty we each enjoy, to establish and operate their own business, as a SPADILLE Chapter, in a location of their own choosing, within a community of their peers and brethren, from which they can derive a prosperous living, mission, and sense of purpose previously only afforded to them in the context of the intensity their great sacrifice in war, for which they are each expertly qualified and greatly enjoy, to the benefit of their local communities.


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